We continue our series of reviews on family law in European countries and will examine the difference between Ukrainian possibilities and German...
Read more...Why do Europeans choose to get married in Ukraine? Because it is advantageous, fast, and reliable. Explaining using the example of Italy.
Read more...Pursuant to the Code of Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses) temporary detention of vehicles may...
Read more...The National Securities and Stock Market Commission (hereinafter referred to as the NCSSM, the Commission) has no authority to suspend the operation...
Read more...До нас часто звертаються клієнти з питаннями щодо юридичного оформлення ініціатив, які допомагають людям чи спрямовані на відбудову та розвиток нашої...
Read more...We are often contacted Clients with questions as for creation of organizations that can collect funds , things or medicines for help victims during...
Read more...During the recent years, a fairly thorough study of the Ukrainian music market was published. One of the main problems which appeared to stagger the...